To start off, I believe I may have been barking up the wrong tree when I talked about sockets-I was considering using them in the same manner a tabbed web browser does to ensure that data is sent to the correct tab. The socket binds locally to an insignificant, unique port, so traffic requested from that socket is then redirected back to it. However it seems that NoteBook (The Perl module to create tabs) may have it's own method of managing and delivering content to the correct window. The documentation and examples for this module are sporadic at best, I have needed to reference multiple sources to assemble an (almost) complete version of the documentation. The program can detect when a certain tab is active, if each tab has a unique identifier, it should be simple to block traffic to all tabs except the active one.
I haven't pushed any code in a while-this is because I am not a fan of putting experimental code on the public repository, though I have done it in the past. Once I complete my testing and determine the best method for handling the traffic to and from the remote device, I will push the code update which contains this option.
I am currently shooting for a mid-January release date for version 1 of the project. This will be a version of the client that is specifically tailored to work with RPI's Cisco routers, with the hope that the client will be in a state of readiness to be distributed to the incoming class of Network Engineering students in the Spring. To make this deadline, it is likely that most of the connection information will be hardcoded, (as it is already for my testing purposes) so a user will only need to enter the pod number for their devices, and the program will open all the relevant connections.
Once the initial release is complete and functional, I plan to expand the program, adding the ability to customize connection information to make the program more universal. I would also like to expand it's use to include SSH connections, as telnet is not often used outside of secured academic environments.
I'm hoping to complete my code testing sometime in the next 48-72 hours and should have a major update to the repository by the end of the weekend.