Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh, no, another bug!!

More on that later. I like chronological blog entries.

First off, fellow RCOS member Tim Horton was kind enough to point out some errors in the licensing for INMP, and was kind enough to point me in the right direction of fixing them. The code is now properly licensed under GPLv2. Thanks, Tim!

Secondly, fellow RCOS member David Doria was kind enough to point out some problems in documentation of software. I updated the documentation for newest version of the software and also wrote a small Perl script which tests the user's machine to ensure it is properly set up to run INMP. The script detects missing modules and explains how to install them, then instructs how to start the software. Thanks for pointing out this documentation issue, David!

David's e-mail about this really got me thinking. I really want to package the software into a .deb/.rpm package to make installation simple. I'd also like some type of automated installation for any missing Perl modules on the user's system. Since I've never done anything like this before, this week was a lot of research as opposed to code development.

However, the bug in the title must now take the priority. There is a pretty big problem with the functions to propagate 'no shut' command to the proper interfaces. In hindsight, I should have realized this would happen when I wrote the original script for that, and am a bit embarrassed to admit I am only discovering it now. Nevertheless, I have a few ideas about how to fix it, and will likely post another entry in the next few days detailing my success or lack thereof.

That's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. Very simple way to solve "no shut" issues: put "no shut" immediately after every single interface line. If the interface was intended to be no shut, it works fine. If the interface was shutdown, the config will still have a "shutdown" command afterwards.
